Transformative Breathwork & Energywork Sessions for Trauma Release. Join us in this sacred space where healing begins and your true potential unfolds.

+ Transformation

Embark on a path to inner peace and resilience with our expert Trauma Release Practitioner. Experience the power of personalized sessions, where your well-being is our utmost priority.

  • Our bespoke 90-minute sessions are a harmonious blend of breathwork and energy work, meticulously crafted for those seeking a deeper exploration of their inner landscape. This is a journey to balance and harmonize your energy, offering a more profound release and a step towards lasting tranquility.

Is HARMONIZE Right For You?

Let’s make sure it’s a good fit:

Harmonize is for YOU if….

  • You are ready to invest in a life that is spacious, nourishing, and fulfilling

  • You are committed to your personal development and ready to unveil the roots

  • You are ready to receive in-depth support personally and professionally

  • You are open and willing to explore childhood, generational, and ancestral trauma

  • You want support that includes energetics and spiritually not just strategy and information

  • You are ready and willing to be seen and supported in new ways and depths

This is NOT for you if….

  • You’re not ready to dive into your unique system

  • You’re not open to hearing new perspectives

  • You’re looking for an easy fix

  • You want done-for-you solutions

  • You care more about the outcome than you do about actually participating in the process

  • You’re expecting for us to put out your fires, fix your problems, heal your body, etc


to have spaciousness and ease as you navigate your life!

  • Imagine feeling relaxed and gracefully reaching your goals without working yourself to the bone

  • Imagine you finally feel like life is working on your behalf

  • Imagine a balanced life where your needs are taken care of and you feel supported, relaxed, and at-ease day-to-day

  • Imagine being able to indulge in the things that bring you joy without feeling guilt or resentment


You won’t have to imagine it for much longer.

That's the reality you'll be living after:


Are you ready to heal and balance?


we take an integrative, multidisciplinary approach informed by, and including:

  • Human Neuropsychology

  • Trauma Healing + Resolution

  • Issues in Child Abuse and Neglect

  • Psychology of Emotional Intelligence

  • Business Ethics & Ethical Issues in Business

  • Non-Violent Communication + Conflict Resolution

  • Cognitive Psychology + Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Developmental Psychology + Inner Child Work

  • Emotional + Nervous System Regulation

  • Parts Work / Sub-Personalities Work

  • Psychology of Trauma & Triggers

  • Cultural Psychology & Social Psychology

  • Meditation Techniques, Breath Work, & Energetics

  • NLP Techniques for Emotional Healing & Identity Shifts

  • Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques & Energetics

  • Masculine / Feminine Energetics & Frameworks

  • Emotional De-Repression (Anger & Grief Work)

  • Somatic Psychology + Somatic Exploration

  • Sexuality, Trauma, & Life Force energy

  • Hypnosis Regression Work

  • Somatic Hypnotherapy

  • Advanced Research

  • Boundaries Work

  • Psychology of Women

  • Psychology of Work

  • Psychology Experimental Research

  • Psychology Learning Research & Theory

  • Advanced Statistics & Research Design

  • Human Centered Design

  • User Experience Research

  • Philosophy & Race

  • Gestalt Therapies

  • Core Belief Work

    …and so much more!

Contact us.

Let's Connect and Discover Your Path to Healing

Your journey to wellness is deeply personal, and we're here to guide and support you every step of the way. Whether you have questions, need more information, or are ready to book your first session, we invite you to connect with us. We are eager to hear from you, to understand your unique needs, and to provide you with the care and support you deserve.





Life & Mindset Coach for High Achieving Entrepreneurs

“As a coach myself, one of the things that is really important to me is to always remain a student and to receive coaching…

I had the pleasure of having a couple sessions with Miss Jeily and they were so transformational. I want to share a few things that I really loved about working with Jeily.

First and foremost, she has amazing energy Jeily was very easy to talk to, she asked really great questions. Overall communication wise, it was very clear, and it was very easy, which I find really important.

Probably one of my favorite things about working with her was how personalized the coaching that I received was. I have worked with tons of coaches before and sometimes I feel like you just get a one size fits all type of solution. With Jeily, it was so personalized. She really listened to what I was going through - what I was struggling with. She created a custom solution for me and it resonated so much and felt so aligned.

Ever since I've been implementing it, I have honestly been feeling so much better about myself about my productivity. Overall it's really helped me so much in my business and in my personal life. I am super grateful for the sessions that I had with her.”

  • Sophie Campbell

    Psychologist & Personal Trainer

    “Within a session with Jeily, I feel so seen and supported. She has helped me in the process of observing my experience and process in a more holistic view. I value her as a practitioner because she never forgets to acknowledge my strength throughout the process. Jeily creates a warm, inviting, and non-judgmental space within her coaching container. She has helped me to understand the wisdom and value behind my wants and needs, which has helped me to feel more confident within my daily actions.”

  • Brianne Munch

    Embodiment & Holistic Health Coach

    “Jeilymar is a powerful woman. I loved working with her. I felt very safe and held while she guided me into some of my triggers. Her embrace was only love. There was no judgement, just safety and security. She is genuine and authentic. She practices what she preaches. Right away, I could tell how much knowledge and intention she put into honoring my own process. She guided me in exactly the way I needed it which is so heart warming and created a big sense of trust throughout the experience. I felt empowered and safe to be me.”

  • Karli cheek

    Transformative Coach

    “Jeilymar offered her complete presence during our session together which allowed me to feel safe and held in her container. She has a unique ability to meet people where they’re at and I got to experience that as she guided me through our session at a comfortable pace, staying attuned to me the entire time. Her presence and care are genuine which allowed me to relax and feel like I could open up to her as she asked me questions that helped me discover more about myself. Thank you, Jeily for your safe space and insight. 10/10 would recommend.”

You’re in Great Hands.

Hello Queen ✨ 


My name is Jeily (JAY-lee) -- I am the CEO and Founder of Visionary Strategies and we created this sacred offering just for you!  

From being born in the beautiful Caribbean island of Spanish speaking Puerto Rico to moving into the mainland US and English speaking Washington State at 10 years old, my upbringing was molded by a mother who had me at 16 years old and wanted to show me through her own dedication that I can do and be anything I wanted.  This was a catalyst for her journey to studying physics and mechanical engineering while defining the odds of a woman in science.  She worked for companies like NASA, BOEING, ZERO G, and MICROSOFT.  

As for me, I became obsessed with Human Behavior.  When I was just 11 years old, you’d find me binge watching behavior-based shows like Criminal Minds and NCIS, or reading a murder mystery book. The single curiosity that’s been a thread for my entire life has always been “Why do we do the things we do?” 

I went on to study Psychology & Computer Science at University and secured my dream job as a User Experience Researcher with an incredible User Experience team.  I was part of a dream team filled with diverse, high-achieving men and women, in my dream role, in a city of the wealthiest people in the world, in an up-and-rising, startup culture, work-management software company, with the dream amount of freedom in the corporate world.  All as a 21 year old minority woman, and with the opportunity to be working with various Fortune 500 companies in helping them optimize their business systems and elevate their delivery to clients. 

During my time in this role, we partnered with Product Marketing, Brand Strategy and Customer Success, to help them bring high-quality customer insights through the work they do while also planning, running, and evangelizing strategic customer research that provides customer insights across multiple business units such as:  Engineering, Product Management, Research, Design, Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, and Executive Leadership.  It should’ve been perfect… except my last day was just 2 years later! 

In early 2018, I experienced a Spiritual Awakening or what I refer to as a deep connection with Spirit (God / Goddess / Universe / Divinity).  This came completely out of left field and changed my outlook on life and the journey I had chosen for myself.  I realized that I had always known I would be an entrepreneur, with multiple businesses, yet here I was in a 9-5 salary job dreaming of having the freedom of being my own boss and doing nothing about it!  This kickstarted the pursuit of my first software company, in the healthcare industry, where I then created a medical technology that supports practitioners in tapering patients off of opioid medication. 

The next 4 years included studies in Advanced Meditation, Somatic Exploration, Energy Work, Subconscious Reprogramming, Trauma-Informed Coaching, and so much more… Through this work, I have been able to serve as a leader and facilitator all over the world for more than 6,500 individuals, professionals, entrepreneurs, and coaches in their journey of transformation and leadership.  I quickly noticed there were gaps in the results individuals were receiving in these various modalities and later noticed this within myself as well.  I chose to pivot from deep diving into all these various modalities and instead become a student of mastery. 

In March of 2021, I hired a personal trauma informed, holistic coach to learn and refine my personal process.  We met every single Friday for 90 minutes or more, for 6 months straight.  During this time, we mapped out, tracked, and meticulously cared for my energy, mind, and behavior in a way that revolutionized how I see the integration of a “Spiritual Awakening” and how to navigate bringing your highest expression into reality in a way that feels loving, spacious, grounded, and gentle on the nervous system.  In tandem, I completed a Trauma Informed Practitioner Training Certification and later became an Apprentice where I continue to refine my skills in leading, holding, and guiding a group through various levels of deep healing and transformation in order to create and sustain their highest expression in their daily lives as their new normal and without sacrificing their freedom or burning out their nervous system. 

Needless to say, I invest heavily in my own coaching and I value the power of a group in transformation as well as a highly-individualized private coaching container.  I continue to receive coaching for my personal process within groups and privately in addition to receiving premium support in refining my skills as a business owner, entrepreneur, and leader.

I am a firm believer in mastery, as well as being an eternal student.  In my years observing, learning, practicing, and leading I have adopted the belief that the catalysts for transformation are to be held in reverence.  My coaching style is a felt-sense experience, not an intellectual transaction.  I deeply honor the women who are willing to embark on this journey and I deeply honor my craft.  


When you click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button, you’re going to be taken to a scheduling form where you can select a time that works best for you. If you may require a session outside of the listed availability, do email us directly at

At the end of the scheduling process, you will be asked to pay the due payment to schedule your Harmonize session. You may make changes to the session up to 72 hours prior. There will be no refunds issued for changes made within 72 hours of your scheduled appointment.